So the first signs of Autumn are upon us, kids are back at school and the first Xmas cards are already on the shelves at Beckworth Emporium!This can mean only one thing… the start of a new shooting season is closing in fast!The website is undergoing its’ annual pre-season clear-down and revamp - but the all-important fixtures lists are already live.
At this year’s AGM, some new scoring rules were proposed and voted in:•Perfect shots - those that ring the bell,leaving no mark on the faceplate - will now score 5.1•Shots that fail to ring the bell, but which overlap the bullseye - will now score 4.1•If even a tiny gap is present between the pellet mark and the bullseye, the score will be 4•All other kinds of shots score the same as in previous years
Perfect ‘clean’ shotsnow earn 5.1 points
‘Dirty’ shots that ring thebell earn 5 points, as before
Shots that fail to ring thebell but which overlap the bullseye, now earn 4.1 points
All shots shown above earn 4 points - as there’s a gap between each pellet mark and the bullseye
Links to ‘snapshots’ of our website, taken at the end of previous seasons:
At this year’s AGM, some new scoring rules were proposed and voted in:•Perfect shots - those that ring the bell,leaving no mark on the faceplate - will now score 5.1•Shots that fail to ring the bell, but which overlap the bullseye, will now score 4.1•A 4 remains a regular 4 - if even a tiny gap is present between the pellet mark and the bullseye•All other kinds of shots score the same as in previous years
Sociable Safety-FirstIndoor Target Shooting
Barry S
Chris Y
Kevin H
Nicola S
Nicky M
David T
With the first match of the season complete, it was great to hear plenty of bells going off! The highest achievers of the night included:
At this year’s AGM, some new scoring rules were proposed and voted in:•Perfect shots - those that ring the bell,leaving no mark on the faceplate - will now score 5.1•Shots that fail to ring the bell, but which overlap the bullseye, will now score 4.1•A 4 remains a regular 4 - if even a tiny gap is present between the pellet mark and the bullseye•All other kinds of shots score the same as in previous years
Soalreadywe’reasixthofthewayintothenewseason,asourfocusshifts this weekend towards:•winding the clocks back for that precious extra hour of Zzzz’s •building ingenius booby-traps for ‘trick or treat’ season•wondering what a Bollywood version of ‘Thriller’ might look like…
At this year’s AGM, some new scoring rules were proposed and voted in:•Perfect shots - those that ring the bell,leaving no mark on the faceplate - will now score 5.1•Shots that fail to ring the bell, but which overlap the bullseye, will now score 4.1•A 4 remains a regular 4 - if even a tiny gap is present between the pellet mark and the bullseye•All other kinds of shots score the same as in previous years
Nicola S
Kevin H
Jon S
Ian C
David A
Steve C
After a really close match between Earls Barton and Ath 'B' last night, things are about as tight as they get at the top of the league table!Only the differences in team stats now separate 1st and 2nd place.Well done to the shooters listed (right). All managed to break the 45 point barrier last night - with particularly solid shooting from Nicola & Kevin.Enjoy the night off next Friday - then it’s full steam forwards to the final shooting night of the month on November 29th.
At this year’s AGM, some new scoring rules were proposed and voted in:•Perfect shots - those that ring the bell,leaving no mark on the faceplate - will now score 5.1•Shots that fail to ring the bell, but which overlap the bullseye, will now score 4.1•A 4 remains a regular 4 - if even a tiny gap is present between the pellet mark and the bullseye•All other kinds of shots score the same as in previous years
OnlyoneshootingmatchremainspriortotheChristmasbreak-butthereareacoupleofother opportunities to shoot:•20th December - Informal Shoot at the Ath Clubalso•15th December - Open Shoot at Bedworth
OnlyonemorematchnightremainsbeforetheChristmasbreak-buttherearestillacouplemorechances to shoot before the end of the year:•Friday 20th December is an informal end of year shoot at the Ath Club(Feel free to bring nibbles)•There’s also the Bedworth Open Shoot on Sunday 15th December(Contact Nicola or myself for details, if interested)In the mean time, enjoy all the fun opportunities that the festive season brings!
RADARLisanamateursportingorganisationmadeupof enthusiasticshooters-withaninterestinghistorydatingall the way back to 1914.Wetakeprideinbeingafriendlyorganisation,attracting shootersofallagesandfromallkindsofbackgrounds.Alarge proportion of our shooters have been with us for many years. Wehavefouractiveteamsatpresent,sharingshootingrange facilities in Rushden & Earls Barton.Ourleaguematchesbringsomecompetitivefun-andabitof personalchallenge-tothosedark&dingyFridayevenings throughout our Autumn-to-Spring shooting season.Beyondleaguematches,severalofourteamsholdpractice nights,“rookie”evenings,socialgatheringsandsomeattend regional open shoots together. We’reproudthatthefriendship&camaraderiefoundwithin RADARL extends across team boundaries.Question:How can I find out more about target shooting?Answer:Lower down on this page is a brief “Overview of Our Sport”. Betterstill,whynotusethe“GetInTouch”pagetoreachouttous-we’llendeavourtoset you up with a taster or refresher session with one of our teams.Question:How is the shooting League run & managed?Answer:RADARL truly is run by shooting enthusiasts for shooting enthusiasts.The shooters themselves call all of the (ahem) shots - since all those who attend our AGM/EGM meetings have a voice and a vote on every aspect of how RADARL operates.RADARL’s President has no vote on any issue, he’s just there to serve our shooters bysteering meetings and capturing the thoughts, preferences and decisions of attendees. Question:When does the shooting season begin & end?Answer:Our 2024/25 season will run from October until April.Question:When do league matches take place?Answer:Friday nights, with matches starting at around 8pm.
Ourshooterstakeaimatpaintedmetal‘bell-targets’,marked with concentric rings, rather like a tiny archery target. Thebullseyeishollowed-out,allowingaccurateshotstopass through and strike a bell that’s mounted behind the ‘faceplate’. Fewthingsmakeourshootershappierthanthecrisp‘ding’ofa bell target ringing!Lessaccurateshotsimpactonthefaceplateandleaveamarkon the painted surface(as pictured left). Targetsareinspected,‘scored’andrepaintedbyarangemarshall between shots.Thefivebestscores(fromasquadofupto8shooters)count towards each team’s match total.Severalofourteamsactivelyoffercoachingandadvice,bothfor noviceshootersandthosewithpreviousexperiencelookingto refresh or develop their accuracy.Whilstwedon’thandleliveammunition,allRADARLshooters(andtheirguests)arenonethelessboundbya safety-focusedcodeofconduct.Weareproudofourexcellentsafetyrecordandwishtomaintainitforthe benefit of all participants, marshalls and spectators.
Fairlyclose… but no cigar!
Questions & Answers About RADARL
Overview of Indoor Bell-Target Shooting
RADARL Officials 2024/25
League Treasurer:Nicola SouterLeague Secretary:Julie ParkesPresident + Web Design:Jon Souter
Wishing all RADARL shooters a very accurate & bell-tastic 2024-25 season ;-)
RADARLisaproperlydemocraticorganisationandoperateswithjustasmallcommitteemadeupofourTeam Captains plus three officials: